Tennessee School Trains Staff on White Christian Privilege, Says People of Color, LGBT Are Oppressed

by Madeleine Hubbard

A Tennessee school district offered voluntary Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training for staff that included a section about how people who are white, male, cisgender, heterosexual or Christian are considered privileged while people of color and those who are nonbinary, polyamorous or pagan are oppressed.

The parental rights group Parents Defending Education obtained a presentation, published Monday by Fox News Digital, from the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System through a public records request.

The presentation from the district’s July 19 ENGAGE conference was titled, “The World Needs More Purple People,” and it promoted using Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to connect with students.

A “privilege” and “oppression” chart is included in the slideshow. It states that “Privilege Status” is associated with the labels “white,” “able-bodied,” “men, cisgender,” “heterosexual,” “Christian,” and “middle class.” 

Meanwhile, the presentation states that “Oppression Status” is associated with the labels “person of color,” physical, cognitive and mental health disability, “women, grand, nonbinary, genderqueer,” “LGBQ+, polyamorous, asexual, aromantic,” “Muslim, Eastern, Pagan, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist,” and “working class.”

The presentation also included a section titled, “Trauma from language,” which stated: “Topics can be triggering,” such as saying things to students like “Make this for your mommy.”

Staff were also advised to not use the word “should,” in phrases like “You aren’t in kindergarten, you should know…,” according to the slideshow. It also said that the phrase “‘I don’t see color’ is the same as saying ‘I don’t see you.'”

A spokesperson for the school told Fox that the lecture was not mandatory and the district is in compliance with state law.

“Since this presentation was developed independently by educators and not developed or delivered by the District, I do not have any additional information on the presentation,” the spokesperson also said.

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Madeleine Hubbard joined Just the News as a fast file reporter after working as an editor at Breitbart News.





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11 Thoughts to “Tennessee School Trains Staff on White Christian Privilege, Says People of Color, LGBT Are Oppressed”

  1. Steve Allen

    White Christians’ privilege is self induced through morality, a strong work ethic, and faith. There are many, many people of color who share the same ethics as white Christians and they also live a good life. I am so sick and tired of reading the same old leftist BS about the poor underprivileged. There are many reasons why they live the life they do, and I can say emphatically it’s not because other people (the so called privileged) have what they don’t have. It’s just 21st century marxist crap.

  2. Rocky

    Only one question to the Bolshevik Bigots involved with this BS.
    ‘Can you read between the lines’?

  3. nicky wicks

    government endorsed marxism supported by our tax dollars.

  4. Horatio Bunce

    “Since this presentation was developed independently by educators and not developed or delivered by the District”

    How then was it obtained via a public records request? Since it sounds as though the district was aware of this event (unlike the campus drag queen show Tennessee Tech claimed to not know about even though it was shown and described on their calendar), does CMCSS host other independent, racist seminars, or just anti-white ones?

  5. Randall Davidson

    get this mess out of our schools.

  6. Randy

    “Since this presentation was developed independently by educators….” The public can be assured that there is no value added in teaching children. The hate and division being provided by “educators” however is gladly provided. More money for education will only mean more of it.

  7. Rocky Top

    We need Tennesseans to call James O’keefe with O’keefe Media Group (OMG) and pick up some cameras and go undercover to these schools and record them. James O’keefe will expose them on youtube at O’keefe Media Group (OMG) and what they say and do will be exposed all over the news for the world to see.

  8. Ms independent

    Montgomery county becoming Shelby County..

  9. Awake and Watching

    If you ever want to catch a glimpse at what the state is up to in the education sector, you need never look any further than CMCSS. I’m curious to know when such presentations and training will become mandatory. Some of the concepts mentioned above already are.

  10. Joe Blow

    Nothing like a school district paying to perpetuate the lies.

  11. Randall Davidson

    Get this crap out of Tennessee schools……hello Tennessee State Legislature???
